Monday, August 20, 2012

Better Late Than Never?

So it may be the end of August, and my journey abroad ended back in May... whoops. But, I had a very busy summer working as a camp counselor. And while I was abroad my life was very exciting so I never wanted to sit down and write this entry. However, now I am back at Illinois State University. Everyone has gotten over their excitement of seeing me again. Classes have started. And I'm finally bored enough to finish this blog. Since a few people have been yelling at me too... (Kendall and Uncle Kevin!)... Here it goes.

To answer a question I am sure no one is actually asking, yes that oil did scar my skin. It looks less like chicken pox though and more like really large and faded freckles.

Anywho, the last few days of being in Florence were probably the best I had and also the most hectic. There was a massive list containing things I wanted to do, things I had to buy, gifts I had to remember, and not enough time or money to do it all. So the very last day I spent it with my closest friends abroad that I miss like crazy at the moment. All day long Kristi, Sara, Kendall, and I ran around like mad women doing all touristy things we had yet to do or wanted to experience again. It started bright and earlier when Kendall and I went to climb to the top of the Duomo. It was surreal looking at all of Florence for the last time. I think that was when it really hit me that I was leaving my home behind for, if not forever, then many years. Luckily it was a gorgeous day outside and we were able to take in all the beauty Italy has to offer.

After our climb down from the Duomo we met up with Kristi and Sara for our day-o-fun to truly begin. The one thing we had wanted to do the entire time we were in Italy was ride a carousel that they had in Piazza Republica. Of course, by the time we arrived there the ride was closed down for siesta. So we continued our last minute shopping and went back to two o'clock when it was supposed to be open again. By 2:15 we became impatient Americans and just decided we didn't need to actually ride it as long as we could sit on the horses and pose for pictures. So that it exactly what we did. And we goofed around so much that we were on that carousel for another 20 minutes until we finally decided to leave to head to the Boboli Gardens because I had yet to experience them.

On our way to the gardens we stopped at the Ponte Vecchio to get some last minute photos in as a group and be silly together. We found an adorable couple from Texas that offered to take our pictures and ended up taking a mini photo shoot for us. I think these photos speak for themselves more then I could ever describe them.

Finally, we made it to the gardens and walked around. Kristi, Sara, and Kendall had all been there before and were able to show me around quicker then if I were to have gone by myself. I got to see everything I wanted to see and still have time for the rest of my day in Firenze! The gardens were massive. I could have easily been lost for days in there. We walked up to the top of the hill the gardens are on and into a rose garden. The statues throughout the entire castle grounds were ornate and beautiful, although some were rather odd. Towards the very end of the gardens where you exit is where my favorite statue is. It is a statue of a rather obese man naked, squatting on a tortoise. This statue was just too tempting to pass up on a priceless photo op. So naturally, Sara and I mimicked the statue to the best of our abilities. Note that I said it was a MAN sitting on this turtle so to recreate myself into a man we used all of our resources... aka a water bottle. I have to say the end results are almost an exact replica of the original ;)

Afterwards Kendall and I headed back to our apartment to pack up a little bit more and prepare for our special night out that we had planned far in advance. Us and a group of friends all decided to get some pizza to-go and take it up to the lookout point. We ate it outside together with wine and watched the sunset over Florence. The food was amazing, the wine was legal, and the scenery was breathtaking. More so then being on the Duomo earlier in the day. Sadly, the sun did eventually set and our day was truly coming to an end. Kendall, Eric, and I temporarily split up from the group to head to our favorite gelato shop, Antica. There our new best friend Francesco gave us our last gelato for free along with some I Heart Gelato hats. I have my hat in my apartment with me right now. God I miss gelato... 

After enjoying the last bits of my cheesecake and ambrosia gelato (the best there is. Go to Florence. Go to Antica. Order that gelato. I'm literally drooling thinking about it) we headed over to meet up with Sara and Kristi to walk Sara to the train station and start the grueling process of our goodbyes.
On the way to Santa Maria Novella station the wheel on one of Sara's suitcases broke off, followed by the other wheel shortly after. According to Sara this was just the start to her hectic journey back to the USA. We sat outside her train as she took her seat and chased it down as she began to drift away from us. It was one of the most depressing moments of my life and only got worse at 4 o'clock in the morning. 
This is the time that Kendall had to leave me. I was half asleep carrying her heavy ass suitcase outside for her (not that she asked me to, apparently I'm just super helpful when I'm barely conscious) and hugged her, Eddie, and Jordan (friends that she was traveling home with) good bye. I walked inside before I truly broke down. Roomies 4 Lyfe was just a memory now and I sat on our cuddle bed we made the night before and cried. :( I miss my Rooms. That morning I woke up extra early to see Kristi off on her bus. I walked back to my apartment and spent the rest of the morning cleaning. I still had a few hours before I had to catch my bus to Pisa. I was traveling to London with Kristina so I said goodbye to my beloved Via dei Fossi 7/r and closed the door for the very last time. I headed to Kristina's apartment where I helped her and her roomates finishing cleaning up.

Heading to London was a hectic process. We took a bus to Pisa, flew from Pisa to Gatwick, took a train from Gatwick to London, and took the Underground to Kings Cross station, and walked about a mile to our hostel at 1 AM with ALL of our luggage. It was the crankiest I have ever seen Kristina (she is a rather peppy person). Thankfully I had been to London before with Shannon so I knew relatively what I was doing or else it would have been a living hell. The next day was the day I had been waiting for since November 2011. The day we visited the sets of all of the Harry Potter films!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was my dream come true! I was so pumped and took so many pictures that I am making a scrapbook solely for Harry Potter. It isn't a guided tour, you walk around by yourself, but they estimate that it takes most people around 2 hours. Kristina and I were there for 6! And they were amazing. And amazing is literally the only word I can think of to describe it. I am giddy right now just typing about it! I wish I went to Hogwarts. And had magical powers. Stupid muggles.
The next day Kristina and I did a lot of touristy things because Kristina hadn't visited those yet. I won't spend a lot of time describing those because I already did that in my blog about my trip with Shan. However, we did manage to make it over to the actual Abbey Road. And we failed miserably at getting a picture like the Beatles. So many awful attempts. WE nearly got hit by 3 cars. It was a hilarious disaster. 
The last day in abroad we didn't have much time before we dragged our belongings to the underground and through the airport, but we did manage to find the cutest and more stereotypical tea house in London before we left. It was adorable and literally everything in it was for sale. Including the furniture. I had Strawberry Summer tea with one cube of sugar (a literal cube). It was brilliant mate! Then I reluctantly headed to Heathrow Airport and started my 10 hour flight home that was delayed an hour before landing because Chicago was experience severe thunderstorms. Thanks for that "Welcome Home!" Chicago... I really appreciated it.
After going through customs I found my entire family waiting with sheets of paper with my nick name "Wheeze" (long story) on them. We hugged. And I got my cell phone back. And they brought me Twizzlers. And took me to Taco Bell. And I was officially back in America.
First Glimpse of Home

Thanks for all the memories Florence. I can't wait to be reunited. So for now, Ciao Italia.