Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Sorry this has taken me so long to update. It's been raining for 2 weeks straight in basically all of Europe and it has just killed any small amount of motivation I possess. Unfortunately, the Amalfi Coast was not an exception to the rain.

on the rain in Pompeii! Pancho.
Kendall and Andrew taking
The first day we went to Pompeii and it was just pouring for the first hour or so. Everyone was too busy huddling under shared umbrellas and laughing at panchos to really pay attention to the tour. I basically took away that Pompeii was more civilized than even Rome (and was way before Roman time), but after the city was destroyed other cultures didn't adopt their forms of writing, government, ect. They had brothels (of course that's a fact I memorized). And the houses used to be colorful but the ashes from the volcano kind of ruined that... along with the entire city. It was still a fun trip though. The crazy antics from the Southern Tuscany trip continued throughout Pompeii because this was another ISU trip (with Kendall and Sara joining this time!).
Lovin' me some Pompeii rain in the ruins
After Pompeii we drove to our hotel in Sorrento and received not only a complimentary dinner but also a free Limoncello tasting! I managed to try them all... not really a fan of anything watermelon flavored still. It taste like poop.

Boat ride from hell with a gorgeous view.

Enjoying a few sunny moments in Capri with Ellen, Eddie. and Eric
The next day we headed over to Capri on a ferry. Just a fair warning: drinking wine the night before a choppy ferry ride is not the greatest idea ever had... Hypothetical situation of course. Capri is the water side town that is always photographed in beautiful sunny weather because it is an amazing get away with possibly the most beautiful views (other than Interlaken). However, we seemed to have bad luck because it was raining for the entire day (minus about an hour in the morning, which is when my camera went crazy with taking pictures). Also, a highlight of Capri is the Blue Groto. It's a cave that literally glows blue and is gorgeous. You can Google image the pictures of it if you'd like. I would show you mine but obviously the rain made the water levels too high to enter the cave and it was closed. Boo :(
But we did manage to find a restaurant that a ton of celebrities eat at! Including Anne Hathaway!! It's not Blue Groto but I still thought that was pretty cool.

Sorry this post is even more random than usual and very short for me. But I am literally leaving in 25 minutes for Munich, Germany for Spring Fest!! I still have to finish packing... Ciao!

Kendall, Ellen, Sara, and I (with Reggie the Red Bird in hand) enjoying the sun in Capri while we can :)

View of Capri from the boat tour! If you look closely you can see a statue waving on the rock to the left. Or maybe I can see it because I know it's there...

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