Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tourist to the Max

So for the past three days I decided to become the biggest tourist in Florence because let's be real, even if I try to blend in in Italy, no one will ever think, "oh look at that blonde girl. She's totally Italian and lives here!" So my new philosophy has been go big or go home doing the dorkiest tourist things possible. I've taken pictures at the Duomo, lite candles inside of it, gone to the Pointe Vecchio multiple times still awed by the beautiful jewelry, bought and took pictures with some gelato, posed in front of the Santa Croce, seen the fake David at the Piazza della Signoria, and ventured everywhere in between. It's been a ton of walking and my feet are killing me. Today alone Kendall and I decided to "get lost" in Florence. We wandered around the city for roughly 3 hours without stopping. I couldn't even tell you where we ended up but we always know how to find our way home once we reach the river. At the Piazza della Signoria we saw this little boy walking with his dog, which wouldn't be too unusual if he A. was with parents and B. wasn't dressed as a panda! It was adorable! I had to take a picture of him. However, I realized it could have been a way pick-pocketers distract tourists such as myself so, don't worry Mom, I made sure my purse was in front of me with my hand on it and it has the lock around the zippers so it's hard to open. I'm a smart cookie :)

After that we came home to cook, yes... cook (I apparently cook now), lunch and then set out again to find potential shops to buy from.. Everything in Florence is on sale right now and they offer study abroad students even more discounts! This one leather shop got my hopes up because they had beautiful Italian leather jackets for 75% off. But when the original price is 750 Euro the discount doesn't really do me much good. It was nice to dream though. Then I went to figure out which buildings my classes were in, walked home, and now it is only 4:30 PM here, or 16:30 as the Italian clocks would say, it's been a crazy long day already.

I was hoping to add pictures into this entry but my internet still hasn't been fixed so my computer can't handle that right now. They say it will be done by Tuesday, but we'll see if that happens. For now, you are all (and by all I mean the three people that probably read this blog) just stuck with reading text. Sono spiacente.

1 comment:

  1. I see you saw the fake David. The real one is unbelievable and a must-see!!!
